Valuable links for our clients
Small Animal Related
OUT OF HOURS PROVIDER Sussex Coast Vets based in Bexhill
Sussex Vet Physiotherapy Services
What happens if your pet goes missing?
British Chelonia Group (Tortoises, Turtles and Terrapins)
British Rabbit Council
Cats Protection
Feline Advisory Bureau – International Cat Care
National Fancy Rat Society
National Gerbil Society
UK Cat Fancy
Celia Hammond Animal Trust (C.H.A.T.)
Kit Wilson Trust for Animal Welfare
Cat Chat (Rescue & Re-homing – in Sussex)
Learn about Laparoscopic Spays in Dogs
Veterinary Associations
British Small Animal Veterinary Association
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

Practice Opening Times
Monday-Friday: 8.30am to 7.00pm
Saturday: 9.00am to 2.00pm
Consultations by appointment only. Please phone for appointments
Horsebridge Veterinary Practice supports Seahaven Wildlife Rescue which is based in East Sussex and specialise in the rescue, release and rehabilitation of wildlife but in particular in the medical treatment and intensive care cases.
Reg charity 1163126
In addition to its involvement with local pet associations, the practice is also heavily involved with wildlife support groups such as International Animal Rescue.
It also has involvement with raptor-related organisations and other specialist avian and reptiles groups.
British Hedgehogs Preservation Society
CRASH (Hedgehogs in Dorset)
Folly Wildlife Rescue
International Animal Rescue
Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital